When you search through Google Play Store and the App Store, you will find a lot of apps promising great results. But instead of wasting your time and resources on fakes, I bring to you a list of reliable applications that you can employ to your advantage. These apps are capable of giving you uncommon knowledge that you can employ to maintain your health and achieve weight gain. Gaining weight does not mean you have to engage in some unhealthy eating habits like excess intake of junk food, as most people do. That’s why you need weight gain apps. Also, if you do not have the time to engage a fitness trainer and have closely monitored training, then weight gain apps are probably what you need to do by yourself and achieve your goals. Follow me as I take you down the lane where you encounter some of the best weight gain apps you could ever find on the internet.

List of the Best Weight Gain Apps for Android and iOS

Below I’ve listed some of the best apps that’ll help you gain more weight but before you start reading or installing the apps, make sure you read our disclaimer page to understand our position regarding this listicle.

1. Fitness Meal Planner

This app is an all-round fitness app. It will both help you to gain weight and lose weight. You are the one to choose your fitness goal, either to gain weight or lose weight. With this app, you don’t need to guess what and how much you eat. It will help you plan your eating, to achieve desirable results. In this app, you will receive a weekly meal plan according to your fitness goal and the information you provide. You can also select or set the number of meals you eat per day, the diet type, and other food restrictions. Also, you can program when you eat your meals and receive reminders at due times. A weekly shopping list also reminds you of the type of food to buy in the market or food store. All these features make Fitness Meal Planner a perfect weight gain app. It is available on both Android and iOS.

2. MyPlate Calorie Tracker

A calorie is a unit of energy. In nutrition, calories refer to the energy people get from the food and water they take, and the energy they use in physical activity. Just as the name implies, MyPlate Calorie Tracker helps you to track your calories so that you can measure how many calories you need to gain weight or lose weight and stay healthy. So, the app has a two-way functionality, meaning that by tracking your calories, you can decide to either gain weight or lose weight. Through the app, you can browse through a comprehensive food database and select or create your own custom meals. You can select your personal daily calorie goal from your profile information, and also keep track of your weight and progress. You can also customize and track your daily intake of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fat, sugar, and even water. Also, you can set mealtime reminders, and also get outside support and advice from the app community. The app is available for download on both Android and iOS.

3. Diet Exercise

For one who is serious about gaining weight, this app is one of the best you should try. It works for both men and women, boys and girls. Weight gain begins with a healthy diet, so this app will give you special information on the type of food to eat to gain weight, the healthy ways to gain weight fast, and an effective diet plan for you to gain weight. Do you also know that there are workouts and exercises that you can do to gain weight? This app has got you covered. The app provides different home exercises for both men and women to work out at home and gain weight. It can help you lose belly fat and gain muscles or even get six-pack abs in a short time. This weight gain app is only available on Android.

4. Weight Gain Exercise 30 Days

Just as the name implies, this app allows you to follow a set of routines for 30 days that will enable you to gain weight naturally. In a period of one month, a man or woman can grow 10 kilos by following the laid-out instructions from the app. The app features information on what to eat to gain weight, and a 30 days meal or diet plan that you can follow to gain weight. There is also weight gain exercise or workout routine for users to build muscles and strength. This daily fitness routine covers all areas of the body such as the belly, thighs, buttocks, and muscles. The training comes with explanatory animation. Also, mealtime reminders notify you of when to eat your food. This weight gain app is only available on iOS.

5. MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal is an all-in-one weight and fitness app. Having this app is like having a nutrition coach, meal planner, and food diary with you at all times. The app will help you make smarter food choices and give you the needed support to achieve your fitness goal, whether weight gain, weight loss, or stable weight. It features fast and easy food tracker tools that you can use to find food easily. You can track your calories, track and customize your intake of nutrients such as proteins, carbs, fat, and even water to make sure you are staying hydrated. Your meal plans are customized for your target calories, whether you want to lose or gain weight. The availability of more than 500 food recipes and more than 50 workouts also helps to make you stay healthy and build your muscles. The app is available for download on both Android and iOS.


The apps listed above are just some of the best weight gain apps that you can find, and by their availability, gaining weight is no longer a complicated thing to achieve. You can easily take advantage of them and ride on to your desired goal of gaining weight.

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