Anyway, the search is over, latest Prisma app has seen over 10 million downloads having just been launched on apple iOS store. This app was designed by a Russian programmer, it was built to help beautify pictures, making them look like cartoons and other beautiful artistic effects in a click of a button.

Step 1

Android: Download via Playstore iOS: Download via Apple store

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

NB: It requires a couple secs to complete the process; this happens because, Prisma app is based on cloud machine that slowly renders your pictures using artificial intelligence. In essence, it requires internet to render filters on pictures, sometimes it takes longer depending on the speed of your internet provider. To me, i think Prisma photo editing app is the best app for animating pictures, and giving them this perfect artistic touch. Try this app and tell us what you think about it. Also, watch out for a list of the best photo editors on Android here on NKH.

Animate Your Pictures With Prisma App On Android   iOS   - 96Animate Your Pictures With Prisma App On Android   iOS   - 59Animate Your Pictures With Prisma App On Android   iOS   - 69Animate Your Pictures With Prisma App On Android   iOS   - 98Animate Your Pictures With Prisma App On Android   iOS   - 16